Category Page

A well structured category page is key to a succesful eCommerce business.

Our Category Page makes this user experience swift and easy to build.

Adding Category Page results to a website

The Category Page let's you create a full page showing the best possible results for any category

  data-labels='["Category Page Grid"]'
  <div class="product-category-result-list">
    {% for product in products %}
      <div class="product">
        <h2 class="product-name">{{ }}</h2> 
        <img src="{{ product.image }}" title="{{ }}" />
        <div class="price">${{ product.price | money }}</div>
        <a href="{{ product.url }}">Buy Now</a>
    {% endfor %}
    {% if count > products.length %}
        <div class="clerk-load-more-button" 
             onclick="Clerk('content', '#{{ }}', 'more', 40);">
          		Show More Results
    {% endif %}

The Category Page functionality supports pagination through the Clerk("content"); functionality, as can be seen in the above example. You can read more about this here

Using data-orderby and data-orderallows you to build a sorting dropdown for letting users sort by various attributes like price or name.

data-limitThe amount of products to be returned at a time
data-categoryThe ID of the category to show results for
data-orderbyAn attribute to sort the result on, like price, age or nameAn attribute to sort the result on, like price, age or name. If not set, Clerk orders results by the AIs prediction of what is most likely to sell right now.
data-orderEither ascor descfor ascending or descending result order when using data-orderby

Filtering results

Category pages can be filtered by visitors using the built-in Facets functionality. Read more about this here.