Shopping Cart

Notify Clerk.js about changes to the shopping cart.

Clerk uses Shopping Cart tracking for two purposes:

  • Adding products to the cart through Clerk elements.
  • Tracking the content of the cart for use in Abandon Cart emails.

Tracking cart changes

Clerk.js enables you to easily track shopping cart changes through a JavaScript interface.

Clerk('cart', 'add', 1234);Tells that product with id 1234 has been added to the shopping cart.
Clerk('cart', 'remove', 1234);Tells that product with id 1234 has been removed to the shopping cart.
Clerk('cart', 'set', [1234, 5678, 42]);Tells that the shopping cart now contains 3 products with the ids 1234, 5678 and 42.

Customising Add-To-Cart functionality

If your Clerk elements should allow adding products directly to the cart, the above functionality can be extended in the initial Clerk.js configuration. Any platform-specific Javascript can be added as callbacks to each of these functions, which can then be triggered in a Clerk design:

Clerk("config", {
  key: 'your-public-api-key',
    add: function(product_id, args){
      console.log('adding to cart!', product_id, args);
      // Your add-to-cart code here
    remove: function(product_id, args){
      console.log('removing from cart!', product_id, args);
			// Your code for removing products here
    set: function(list_of_product_ids, args){
      console.log('setting cart to:', list_of_product_ids);
      // Your code for setting the cart content here

The functions can also be defined in separate calls after initialising Clerk, if needed:

Clerk('config', 'cart.add', function(product_id, args) { 
  console.log('adding to cart!', product_id, args);
  // Your add-to-cart code here

Clerk('config', 'cart.remove', function(product_id, args) { 
  console.log('removing from cart!', product_id, args);
  // Your code for removing products here

Clerk('config', 'cart.set', function(list_of_product_ids, args) { 
  console.log('setting cart to:', list_of_product_ids);
  // Your code for setting the cart content here

Using in Designs

When you have defined functions for the methods you need, they can be invoked using the cartmethod:

Clerk('cart', action, product_id, {args}*)

{args}is an optional dictionary, that can contain any number of additional arguments you require for your add-to-cart function like quantity, variant IDs, SKUs etc.

In the below example, the product ID and a quantity of 1 is passed to the add method, using the defined function from Clerk.js:

<div class="product">
  <img class="product-image">{{ product.image }} />
  <div class="product-name">{{ }}</div>
  <div class="product-price">{{ product.price }}</div>
  <button classs="product-atc" onclick="Clerk('cart', 'add', {{ }}, {quantity: 1})">Add to cart</button>