Customized Search

A customized search rule is represented as a customized_search object. A customized_search object is a JSON object where each key, value pair corresponds to a rule and what property should be pinned and what property should be hidden.

All pins and hides must be either string or int

querystrRequiredThe query for which the custimized search rules should be applied
products'dict' with keys pin and hide which has value listRequiredThe products which should be pinned to the top of the query and the products which should be hidden.
categories'dict' with keys pin and hide which has value listRequiredThe categories which should be pinned to the top of the query and the categories which should be hidden.
suggestions'dict' with keys pin and hide which has value listRequiredThe suggestions which should be pinned to the top of the query and the suggestions which should be hidden.
pages'dict' with keys pin and hide which has value listRequiredThe pages which should be pinned to the top of the query and the pages which should be hidden.
    "query": "pants",
    "products": {
        "pin" : [123,456],
        "hide" : [555,222]
    "categories": {
        "pin" : [12,67],
        "hide" : [555]
    "suggestions": {
        "pin" : ["trousers","skitrousers"],
        "hide" : ["trouts"]
    "pages": {
        "pin" : [999,111],
        "hide" : [543,234,788]